Are You A Teen Who Is Being Sexually Harassed?

3 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog


If you are a teenager starting your first job, you may have problems knowing what is and what isn't appropriate in the workplace. There may be things that are happening that make you uncomfortable. One of those things that could be making you uncomfortable is sexual harassment. 

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment isn't just one thing. It actually encompasses all kinds of things. Sexual harassment isn't limited to women. It can happen to people of all genders and all sexualities. 

Sexual harassment can include the following:

  • Name calling: If someone is calling you names that are sexually explicit, gender based, or inappropriate words pertaining to your sexuality, true or not, they are guilty of sexual harassment. 
  • Inappropriate touching: This is a much more nebulous category. Inappropriate touching doesn't mean that they have to touch your genitals or behind, it can be something like they keep putting their hands on your shoulders even if you have asked them not too, or forcing a hug when you don't want to. 

Who Can Sexually Harass You?

Sexual harassment has generally been associated with a superior at work. However, you can also be harassed by other coworkers, depending on what they are going to you. That's part of what can make it hard to tell if you have been harassed if the person has no power over you. 

What Are Your Options If You Are Being Sexually Harassed?

Your options depend on who is harassing you. If it is your immediate superior, you have the option to go over their head and speak to their superior. If your new workplace has a human resources department, you should to there and let them know what is happening. They will be able to take steps to end the harassment that you can't.

If you have reported the harassment and nothing has changed, you may have to take more drastic steps. Those steps can include seeing a sexual harassment lawyer. They will be able to intervene with your employer and hopefully get the harassment to stop, or get you a settlement if you have had to leave your job because of the harassment.

Being a teenager and getting your first job can be exciting and terrifying all at once. It can be even scarier if you are placed in a position that makes you very uncomfortable or harassed. Knowing what makes up sexual harassment and what you can do about it can help you handle the situation.