Accounting For Future Medical Bills In A Personal Injury Claim

1 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog


There is nothing as disappointing as getting compensated for a personal injury only to learn that you still have future medical care that the compensation didn't cover. You can avoid the disappointment by working with an experienced personal injury attorney who will ensure that you are compensated both for your past and future damages. Here are some of the cases in which you may need compensation for future medical-related damages.

Your Injury Is Permanent

Your life is likely to change forever if you incur a permanent injury in an accident. The defendant should compensate you for these effects because you wouldn't have suffered them had it not been for the accident. For example, amputated limbs may affect your work, house chores, and even your socialization with your family. The defendant should compensate you for the resources you might need to counteract these changes.

You Need Extended Medical Care

There are also cases where you may need ongoing medical care for a long time even though your injuries are not permanent. For example, if you have chronic back pain, you may need ongoing medical care until the pain subsides. Another example is if you have developed migraines after a head injury followed by a surgery, and the prognosis is that the migraines will reduce in intensity and frequency bit by bit for the next few months or years.

You Will Need Assistive Devices In The Future

You may also need compensation for future losses related to assistive devices. Consider an example where you have been diagnosed with a progressive hearing impairment due to injury complications. If your doctor is convinced that you won't be able to hear after a few years, then the defendant should compensate you for the hearing aids or any assistive device you may need when that time comes. Another example is if you have been diagnosed with a bone damage that is expected to worsen with time. In this case, the doctor may predict your inability to walk in the near future, in which case the defendant should compensate you for the wheelchair you will need when the time comes.

You Need Ongoing Counseling

Accident injuries are not always physical; there are also injuries that can leave you with serious emotional or mental injuries. It is not unheard of for accident victims to develop post-traumatic stress disorder after being involved in a gruesome accident. Such injuries typically require prolonged counseling, and the defendant should pay for this too.

For more information, contact a lawyer like Gary L Baker Attorney at Law.